To share my meager store of knowledge on this...
The bacteria are really more a problem with biodiesel than with regular diesel. I never heard of anyone complaining about bacteria before people started making biodiesel. I can report from experience that in a year or two, B100 will turn into soup if it does not have a biocide in it.
Unfortunately biodiesel is used to add some much needed lubricity to ULSD. I don't know how bad the bacteria problem will be with B5 or B10. But maybe the way to store diesel long term is to get diesel without any biodiesel, and add some other lubricity enhancer either before storage or when taking it out of storage. If you store biodiesel, then definitely use a biocide.
BTW there actually IS a version of Sta-Bil for diesel out there. I have used it myself. I don't know if it helps much, but it's pretty cheap so I don't worry. I just cycle through my stored diesel once a year. I also no longer have that 250 gallon tank any more - it's a lot harder to cycle through that much! At 50mpg I would have to drive over 12k miles to cycle through, and at the rate I drive these days that would be quite a while.
You don't need to spend anywhere near $6000 to get fuel storage. Just buy one of those used "totes" that come up for sale now and then.
My "philosophy" of storage is not to be able to farm for 5 years after diesel production ceases from an EMP attack, or whatever, but only enough to get me somewhere safer than where I am now. You have to figure out what you are going to do with the stuff, and why you are keeping it.