Hello folks,
My name is Derek, many of my friends call me Derka. I have been lurking on this forum off and on for a little over six months, sorry to have not introduced myself before. I live in Washington state (for now) and I have been talking with many of my friends and acquaintances who have been to or lived in Wyoming; trying to get an idea from them as to what it's like, and my girlfriend, my best friend, and I have all come the conclusion that we'd like to live in a much more freedom oriented place.
I have not done as much reading on here as I had hoped to have accomplished, yet the three of us will be making a road trip over to Wyoming from Washington state, May 31st through June 7th, in order to get a feel for things in preparation for a move. We haven't decided on an area yet, although south of Casper and many areas of Crook county look like they have the nice mountainous terrain that we like.
Recent events have pushed our plans forward a bit faster than usual, seeing as we have to be out of our apartment by June 24, when we thought we had until the end of August. We're looking for a place to rent and a couple of jobs until we find a place we'd like to buy or property to build on. Any and all help is appreciated! Thanks!